U.S. Visa Brief Introduction
- 非移民签证:用于旅游、商务活动、探亲、学习、短期工作或过境等临时停留;
- 移民签证:即美国永久居留签证。持证人在美国入境口岸办理登陆手续时,海关和边境保护局的官员将在持证人的护照上给与I-551的签章,该移民签证将作为一年期的绿卡使用,持证人的正式绿卡将按程序随后收到。持有IR-3或IH-3签证的儿童在入境美国时将自动成为美国公民,且可通过提交N-560申请办理美国公民证书。
常见美国非移民签证类型 | |
外交人员 / 外交附属人员 | A-1, A-2, A-3 |
商务、旅游、探亲、访友、短期培训 | B-1, B-2 |
过境 | C-1, C-2, C-3 |
(北马里亚纳群岛)临时工人 | CW-1, CW-2 |
船运 / 航空机组人员 | D-1, D-2 |
通商航海条约国赴美投资人 | E-1, E-2, E-3, E-3D, E-3R |
学生 | F-1, F-2, F-3 |
外国政府代表 | G, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5 |
以非移民身份在美国短期工作 | H-1A, H-1B, H-1B1, H-1C,
H-2A, H-2B, H-2R, H-3, H-4 |
国外媒体 / 记者 | I-1 |
交换访问 | J-1, J-2 |
美国公民家庭成员 | K-1, K-2, K-3, K-4 |
美国公司外国雇员 | L-1, L-2 |
职业培训学习 | M-1, M-2, M-3 |
SK签证直系家庭成员 | N-8, N-9 |
北约组织(NATO)成员 | NATO-1, NATO-2, NATO-3, NATO-4,
NATO-5, NATO-6, NATO-7 |
特殊才能人士短期工作 | O-1, O-2, O-3 |
运动员或艺人短期工作 | P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4 |
文化交流 | Q-1 |
宗教人士 | R-1, R-2 |
美国执法机构的证人 / 线人 | S-5, S-6, S-7 |
人口贩运受害者 | T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5 |
北美自由贸易协定下的专业人士 | TD, TN |
美国刑事犯罪活动受害人 | U-1, U-2, U-3, U-4, U-5, SIJS |
美国绿卡持有人家庭成员 | V-1, V-2, V-3 |
签证豁免加注 | WB, WT, GB, GT |
U.S. Visa Application Procedure
Standard Nonimmigrant Visa Adjudication
Process at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air Traveler Inspection Process
Visa Application Services Offered by THV
我们与加州商务厅(California DOC)和加州中小企业局(California SBA)合作,可为企业客提供美国境内商务活动的联系和安排:
- 根据客户需求安排到美国同业公司进行考察;
- 到潜在的美国买家或卖家公司进行考察;
- 参加美国商务部认证的大型贸易展会;
- 安排中国企业的管理者赴美进行不同主题的短期培训;
- 为客户签发商务邀请函并制定访美行程。
- 为个人客户提供在美国境内的非商务旅行安排:
- 按照客户需求制定非商务旅行安排;
- 提供美国入境通关协助;
- 全美主要机场接送服务;
- 中英双语当地交通包车服务;
- 酒店代预订服务;
- 随行陪伴翻译服务;
- 全美各州地产经纪人服务。
- 我们的业务代表会依据美国移民与国籍法的要求对申请人作出客观和全面的评估,并为客户制定签证的申请计划;
- 收集并整理申请人的所有美签申请文件,制定申请方案;
- 完成美国国务院DS-160申请表并提交美国使馆签证处,预约签证面谈时间;
- 准备所有签证面谈所需的各种文件及材料,向申请人解读美国签证与国籍法INA214(B)条款的定义和要求,对申请人进行面谈指导;
- 所有14岁以上和80岁以下的申请人携带所有申请材料前往使馆参加签证面谈;
- 领取贴签的护照并交付给客户。
- 美国国务院非移民签证查档服务;
- 对拒签原因的分析和再次申请的评估;
- 再次美签申请的计划和安排;
- 再次美签申请的文件整理和准备;
- 签证申请的全流程服务;
- 面谈指导和培训。
- 没有房产;
- 没有存款;
- 没有符合要求的银行交易记录;
- 没有出国记录;
- 出境记录复杂难解释;
- 单身、无子女;
- 曾经访美超期停留;
- 曾经拒签,怕被再拒;
- 申请文件繁琐复杂;
- 首次申请心里没底…
US B-1 temporary non-immigrant Business Visa is designed to assist foreigners in getting admission into the US shores and borders for purpose of expanding their business interests in the country. They may while being in the country carry out deliberations and negotiations, market for sales or seek opportunities for investments, carry out investing or purchasing activities, partake in meetings and negotiations, conduct interviews and appoint workers and carry survey the market and business scenario in the country.
These short term travelers are however not allowed to operate business, enter into a gainful employment, receive payments from a US based agency within the borders of the country and take part in competitions as a professional.
Validity of Stay in the B-1 Status
Originally the stay tenure allowed is one to six months but under certain conditions, the business visitors may be granted an extension of up to a maximum of 6 months. Maximum stay tenure allowed on B-1 status (including extension) on any single trip cannot generally extend beyond one year.
Quality Assistance from AmericAgent
AmericAgent has expansive exposure in handling and extending support for US Visa. We follow a competent 2 phase profile assessment strategy that helps in ensuring error free request placement. We provide comprehensive support for preparing business visa applications and submitting for processing. We also render quality assistance in arranging the Visa and ASC interview appointments for our clients.
Individual applicants
We systematically guide all our clients on issues connected to elaboration of business visa and statutes and connected procedures.
We offer reliable, within budget and just in time services to help your employees in resolving various intricate issues connected to US business immigration. We assist your personnel by preparing and submitting business visa applications.
Quality Support
- Our support and back up can extend up to:
Filling up forms and carrying out necessary preparations for DS-160 visa application; - Arranging ASC appointments and visa interviews;
- Preparing visa application kit for applicants and preparing them for the interview.
US B-2 or USA Visitor Visa has been designed as a non-immigrant tourist visa to facilitate entry of foreign visitors arriving in the country temporarily for purpose sufficing in leisure and pleasure, tourism, visiting their children, families and friends, attending special events, functions, ceremonies or receiving medical treatment in the US. Other categories that may qualify for this entry permit include:
- Amateur athletes and Entertainers
The amateur athletes and entertainers of some non professionals groups and troupes travelling to the country to perform in some charity events, functions and to contest but not receiving any remuneration for such activities can obtain B-2 visa; - People traveling for a short course of study
Although the primary objective of traveling to the US is tourism, during the stay the visitors are likely to partake in a course of study for less than 18 hours per week.
B-2 visas can be granted for a tenure ranging between one to ten years. This visa is also popularly known as multiple entry visas and during the overall validity period, the visitors are allowed to make a trip to the US without contacting US consulates. The period of stay is, however decided by the immigration authority (Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer) at the port of entry. As per the current statutes, duration of a stay during single visit cannot exceed 6 months though in certain cases where the visitors can duly justify the reasons for extension as being genuine can get an additional extension of 6 months, but the overall stay in the country on a single trip cannot exceed one year from the date of arrival in the US on B-2 visa. The B-2 visa holder must leave the shores of the country on or before the last date of exiting the USA (mentioned on I-94).
Eligibility Parameters
The people intending to obtain US B-2 tourist visa must be able to substantiate certain essential facts like:
- Evidencing their intent of travel being purely for temporary objectives, like for pleasure or for medical purpose, and in no way would the applicants involve themselves in paid employment or study;
- Substantiate their intent to travel back to their country or origin or country of current residence after the accomplishment of their travel objectives, or expiry of stay period whichever earlier.
- Evidence that they have enough financial resources to finance their stay in the country;
- Produce the requisite papers or medical records to evidence their ability to bear medical bills accruing during treatment, if traveling to the US for purpose of seeking medical treatment.
Certain categories of applicants can get some advantages if they:
- Are aged above 60 years;
- Own property in their country of origin or current residence;
- Have traveled to other foreign destinations in the past;
Quality Assistance from AmericAgent
AmericAgent has expansive exposure in handling and extending support for various categories US Visa. We follow a competent 2 phase profile assessment strategy that helps us in ensuring an error free request placement. We provide comprehensive support for preparing tourist B-2 visa applications and submitting for processing. We also render quality assistance in arranging the Visa and ASC interview appointments for our clients.
Individual applicants
We systematically guide all our clients on issues connected to elaboration of B-2 tourist visa and statutes and connected procedures.
We offer reliable, within budget and just in time services to help your employees in resolving various intricate issues connected to US business immigration. We assist your personnel by preparing and submitting business visa applications.
Quality Support
Our support and back up can extend up to:
- Filling up forms and carrying out necessary preparations for DS-160 visa application;
- Arranging ASC appointments and visa interviews;
- Preparing visa application kit for applicants and preparing them for the interview.